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Indy Myopain Relief Center focuses on using Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT) combined with other modalities.  Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is a form of problem-solving massage therapy that incorporates safe movement techniques, along with pain neuroscience education.  The ultimate purpose is to reduce pain in all its forms and to restore full function.


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Overlook of our therapies
TP Rhomboid-Paraspinals

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial trigger points are an extremely common cause of pain. Trigger points are painful when pressed on, cause a shortening of the muscle fibers, and have a special property called referred pain.  However, we now know that the referred phenomenon can be felt in many ways including sensation like; tingling, numbness, pain, dull aching or shooting pain. Referred sensation means that a trigger point in one muscle can create a sensation or pain into another, sometimes distant area.  This fact often misleads the clinician into believing the cause is at the site of pain, but more than 70% of the time the pain site is a "victim" and not the cause. Additionally, clinicians are trained to assume that pain is often caused by inflammation, but this is only correct 3% of the time. 


Our Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT), frees the fascial (freeing the muscle to move freely, breaks the cycle of the brain sending contraction signals and releases the taut bands.  This process immediately relieves the pain and restores the normal muscle to full strength and function.


Finally, we educate the brain, telling it, the muscle in now ready to rejoin the body's function.


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Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy Using PiezoWave 2t

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

The PiezoWave² MYACT is a US-approved, targeted low-energy therapy and massage system with a maximum penetration depth of 5 to 40 mm. The PiezoWave² MyACT technology generates low-energy pressure pulses to compress myofascial structures. The procedure is ideal for physiotherapeutic applications as there is no cavitation from shockwaves. Users have the option to choose between point-focused and/or linear focused therapy sources.

MyAct is a new procedure developed for the comprehensive and precise treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. The linear therapy focus (46 mm x 18.5 mm x 4 mm) is particularly suited to treat pathologies where treatment needs to be applied in the direction of the muscle fibers or large areas of tissue require treatment. Linear focused pressure waves are particularly beneficial for the targeted treatment of muscle fiber tears, muscle fascicle tears, muscle tears and myogelosis. Point-focused therapy sources are particularly useful for the diagnosis and localization of trigger points and the associated referred pain.


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Frequency Specific MicroCurrent Injector by Mend Tech.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

Frequency specific microcurrents also utilize exceedingly mild electrical current (around one millionth of an ampere, far less than a TENS unit). The thing that differentiates FSM is the use of two different channels and two different frequency strengths simultaneously addressing the condition (such as inflammation) on Channel A, and the specific tissue involved (such as the spinal cord) on channel B. Unlike a TENS unit, FMS changes the state of the tissue itself.

Scientists are not exactly sure how FSM changes tissue structures and creates healing. FSM does increase the production of ATP in injured tissues. (Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells and is the major source of energy for all cellular reactions in the body.) Because treatment with FSM can increase ATP production by as much as 500 percent in damaged tissues, this may help with the recovery process. 


Read more FSM information.


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Extreme Posture is Normal for Some People

Postural Analysis & Range of Motion

Posture is the attitude assumed by the body either with support during muscular inactivity, or the coordinated action of many muscles working to maintain stability. It forms an essential basis that is being adapted constantly.

What is good posture for one is not necessarily good posture for another. (Refer to above picture)


Poor posture can be bad for your health. Maintaining a posture that puts stress on a joint such as prolonged slouching (see image at R) or slumping over can:


  • Increase pressure on the spine, making it more prone to injury and degeneration.

  • Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain.

  • Decrease flexibility.

  • Affect how well joints move.

  • Affect balance and increase risk of falling.

  • Make it harder to digest food.

  • Induce breathing disorder and affect surrounding structures including the heart and phrenic nerve.

  • In women it can lead to imbalance in the core muscle leading to incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse.


Posture Physiopedia


Read more posture information.


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